our Services

The best way to determine whether or not bed bugs are present in your home or business is by using a highly-trained K9 to detect them. When the University of Florida independently tested dogs to find bed bugs in a hotel room environment, the confirmed success rate was 97.5%. When the University of Kentucky endorsed the use of bed bug detecting dogs, they concluded the “reliability of the dogs has been impressive provided they are properly trained.”
With our 2 bed bug dogs, Maggie and Mocha, you’ll get exactly what the universities of Florida and Kentucky are endorsing: reliable, properly trained bed bug dogs. Each dog holds a current NESDCA certification, which is the independent organization that monitors the ongoing ability of a K9 to detect bed bugs successfully.
In the 15 years since we made the decision to purchase our 1st bed bug detecting dog, our bed bug K9 teams have always been actively and properly NESDCA certified, with no lapses, and our teams have never failed a yearly certification.
As we were one of the 1st independent bed bug inspection companies in the country, and the 1st in New Jersey, our K9’s have always had the experience necessary to handle even the most difficult bed bug inspections.
When our dog determines bed bugs are present at a location, it allows you to begin the remediation process quickly. Yet when the dog doesn’t detect, it saves you countless hours of unneeded preparation, not to mention the expenses associated with remediation. You’ll get much deserved peace of mind as well.

As accurate and reliable as K9 inspections have turned out to be in locating bed bugs, the public’s preference that visual inspections accompany a dog’s findings – especially when they’re performed independently – has been a welcomed development at our company. Our experience with providing visual inspections was in place long before we employed a dog to detect bed bugs, having had inspected thousands of individual locations in New York City and New Jersey in the 3 years prior to our 1st bed bug K9 purchase in 2010.
The majority of independent bed bug inspection companies that are currently utilizing K9’s for bed bug detection have very little visual inspection experience to fall back on. Yet visual bed bug inspections are not easy, as the best pest control companies & technicians can confirm. It requires an understanding of where bed bugs will deploy themselves, physical signs an inspector needs to be able to identify when bed bugs are present, and then the patience and work ethic needed to properly search for these insects. Over time, we’ve learned that there isn’t a place in an apartment or home where bed bugs won’t be found when an infestation is present.
Bed bug inspections can be more difficult to perform when infestations are light, because one well-concealed bed bug can be more difficult to find than many of them. Having both extensive visual and K9 inspection experience at our back remains vital in conducting a proper search, and our ability to support a dog’s findings is something you should expect from a bed bug inspection company.

Our experience with bed bugs extends far beyond determining their presence in your home or business. Should you ask us for guidance with preparation measures, remediation means, or preventative advice, we can’t stress enough that any advice we share is not profit motivated – we’re simply willing to help you proceed with your problem the best way you possibly can.
Years ago, bed bug treatment preparation involved a long list of time-consuming measures that may or may not have been necessary, but had to be taken because the level and locations of an infestation weren’t always known. Our K9’s abilities to determine your areas of infestation, combined with the visual inspection we’re qualified and licensed to provide, can now help determine the preparation measures and remediation method you’ll eventually choose to undertake. We’re keenly aware of every remediation method currently available to the public, and can competently and patiently discuss all of their pluses and minuses with you.
Additionally, there are immediate actions you can take once you’re aware of an infestation that can go a long way towards solving your bed bug problem in a very short period of time, especially if your infestation is a light one. There will be times when you can attempt to solve a bed bug problem yourself, and times where a licensed pest control company is your best option. What we always promise to provide is professional & courteous guidance – anytime you need it. Your phone calls are always welcomed to our company, even if you don’t wind up needing our inspection service.